The World Is Opening Back Up!

I cant believe it.

Who is excited with me? I had a moment of euphoria when I read that the United Kingdom has decided to remove the testing policies and quarantine rules to enter if you were vaccinated. This is like music to my ears. They are also removing the mask mandate (except on public transports and such) which is also great news. I saw visions in my head of life going back to normal after two years of wondering if it ever would. The world is opening back up people, it’s time to travel again

Ireland Joined In!

Following right on the heels of England announcing this, Ireland did the same thing. They have removed the mask rules, the gathering in groups (sports are back on), pubs and restaurants no longer have an early closing time, and you don’t have to test if vaccinated. Go Ireland. Who has been waiting to go and visit?

The European Union is Following!

In addition, the EU is starting to follow suit and removing the restrictions for vaccinated travelers, some even requiring boosters, to get the world back to normal. Some countries are still requiring that you have a covid test upon entry, and the US is still currently requiring that you have a test to go back, and some places, like Italy, are still requiring a “green pass” but I heard from an inside source that this might go away in the very near future too.

The world is opening back up, are you ready?

So that leads to the best question yet, where have you been waiting to go? As things are ramping up all over the world, now is the best time to get your plans in order and reserving some space. The pent-up demand is huge, and people are ready for luxury travel, exploring in an authentic away again and seeing the parts of the country they have been dreaming about for the last two years. Where to next?

I loved this blog by our friend Cathy Rowland who graciously allowed us to share with you! Thank you Cathy!

Lisa Fitzgerald